ISBN-13: 978-1-886940-99-4
ISBN-10: 1-886940-99-4
This initial volume of a continuing series reveals the flaws and inconsistencies with our present explanations for humanity's origins and Earth's development. Reexamination of geological, archaeological, and paleoanthropological records produced the Elder Gods theory, which better explains Earth's past and humankind's evolution as the result of contact with ancient alien visitors.
This theory proposes that interventions by two different groups of extraterrestrial beings influenced Earth's development and humanity's ancestry. The first group emerged shortly after the Big Bang genesis, achieving great advancements that ultimately resulted in a coalition to assist younger emerging worlds. After billions of years, they contacted our solar system where life was first developing on a neighboring planet. Much later, those younger beings from within our solar system contributed to humankind's genetic lineage, and more recently influenced Earth's cultural developments after c.3150 BC.
Known archaeological findings do not fully support conventional explanations for Earth's development, or the emergence of humankind as a species. But the Elder Gods theory offers a revised account of our past, suggesting that extraterrestrial influences may have been present since primordial times, based on revelations from archaic evidence and ancient texts.

ISBN-13: 978-1-886940-58-1
ISBN-10: 1-886940-58-4
"Legacy of the Elder Gods" is the second volume within this continuing series, with each text written as a stand-alone book, allowing them to be read in any order. This volume presents additional validation of the intriguing Elder Gods theory, with new revelations derived from ancient texts and arcane historic records. This theory contends that otherworldly beings greatly influenced Earth's early development, including an ancient understanding of cosmology that rivals our modern comprehension. New research suggests that extraterrestrial visitors bestowed cultural gifts, vast knowledge, and advanced technology to early human cultures. Uncover their motive to genetically develop our human species, and the purpose behind their ancient guidance and help. Discover how another group of otherworldly visitors ultimately interrupted that mission to civilize Earth, and determine if our modern UFO activity is linked with ancient aliens.

ISBN: 978-1886940-12-3
"Gardens of the Elder Gods" is the third volume within its continuing series, with each text written as a stand-alone book, allowing them to be read in any order. It presents further documentation of extraterrestrial contact throughout Earth's ancient past, revealing puzzling archaeological sites that contained modern achievements. Indications of otherworldly influences, which established the legendary lost cities of antiquity and their advanced cultures, are substantiated from accounts in archaic texts and anomalous artifacts retrieved from Earth's geological and fossil records.
This volume also retraces the migratory paths taken to repopulate Earth after the Great Flood, focusing on cryptic archaeological discoveries that reveal evidence of even earlier cultures from which well-known historic civilizations later emerged. The absence of any prior development period suggests that Earth's earliest civilizations were spontaneously formed as a result of external influences from beyond Earth.

ISBN: 1-4241-3683-0
Written in 2004, Emerging Dawn takes place in the near future during the evening of December 21, 2012, as most people are preparing for the upcoming Holiday Season. Flashbacks to earlier times recall the discovery of an ancient secret within the Great Pyramid that started a global hunt for additional hidden artifacts. Those archaeological searches resulted in varying degrees of success, retrieving pieces of an archaic puzzle. An ancient text was eventually reconstructed, revealing startling information that included the existence of intelligent life long before Earth even formed. That record emphasized the significance of the anticipated "conclusion" to the Mayan Long Count calendar, scheduled for the same evening as this story's setting. After hours of retrospection, readers again return to the late night of December 21, 2012, with a surprise ending reminiscent of classic Twilight Zone episodes. As the waning moments of that evening conclude, humanity's destiny is revealed with the Emerging Dawn.

ISBN-13: 978-1517634513
ISBN-10: 1517634512
"Reincarnation...Stepping Stones of Life" is a practical exploration of the reincarnation process, defining its terms and functions while correcting the many misconceptions surrounding this belief. Its inexplicable origin during remote antiquity is also examined. This book is not another case study of retained past-life memories, déjà vu experiences, channeling episodes, or other similar but often unexplained phenomena. Rather, this book reveals how an understanding of the reincarnation process can provide guidance during daily life, offering methods for dealing with difficult times by stressing the importance of proper perspective, free will choice, individual change, balance, and personal responsibility as key factors. This inspiring book presents new clarity and insight into this concept, revealing the belief in reincarnation as an empowering way of life. It also offers an extensive contemplation into the nature or essence of the Divine Creator. This work further explores some of life's more complex mysteries and how science might someday provide answers to certain enigmatic aspects of mortal existence.